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Personal Cyber Security

Presented by Greg Spray


Learn how you are in a clear and present danger of being attacked by Cyber criminals. Today it is easier than ever for bad guys to hack your phone, accounts, and smart devices. These hacks can cause financial, reputational, and computer damage. Get motivated to make changes NOW so that you and your family are safer.



  1. Clicking on links or attachments
  2. Plugging things into your device
  3. Using public WiFi w/o VPN
  4. Oversharing on social media
  5. Allowing browser to save passwords
  6. Download apps direct from web sites
  7. Trashing unshredded financial paperwork


All it takes is 100 minutes

  1. Use password manager and better password hygiene
  2. Change old passwords
  3. Setup 2FA to all high target accounts
  4. Turn on all account notifications
  5. Use find my phone, Face ID, 6-digit pin (iPhone, Android)
  6. Turn on automatic updates for all devices and apps.

Be Even Safer Details: Do Soon!

Safeguard your phone

Never click on links, attachments or download apps outside of store

Passwords, Passwords, Passwords

Do not plug in anything

Do not use Public Wifi

  • Safer to use celluler hot spots

Secure your router

Be Safest: Advanced Actions

Monitor for signs of hacks

  • Review account activity often
  • PC running slow, crashes, random pop-ups, unwanted browser toolbars
  • Phone apps data usage is high (iphone, android)
  • Your internet searches are redirected
  • Emails, Social msgs being sent from your account
  • Your online password isn’t working (don’t ignore this)
  • Install and review malware and virus detection reports

Stop Oversharing

Cover your tracks

Passwords, Passwords, Passwords Continued

Financial Hygeine